Carpets can be ruined by having steam cleaned on a regular basis.

In the carpet cleaning profession, one of the most typical things a customer will say is “a friend of mine informed me that regularly steam cleaning carpets will damage them.” This is something that we hear very frequently. It’s a nice question because it helps to clarify things up, but unfortunately the answer is fairly straightforward: no. Carpets can withstand routine cleaning with steam without suffering any damage. It is actually quite beneficial for their health!

Carpets may withstand cleaning without suffering any deterioration.

When you have your carpets steam cleaned on a regular basis. You can anticipate that they will have a more vibrant color and also feel softer to the touch. Many people are under the impression that if they steam clean their carpets on a regular basis. The carpets will regularly lose their color and texture. This is a common mistake. In point of fact, the reverse is true. If you have your carpets professionally steam cleaned. The vast majority of the dust and built-up grime that has accumulated in them will be eliminated. You will notice that your carpets are returning to a color that is closer to their natural state… Once you remove the harmful substances from them. In addition, the length of time that passes between cleanings is directly proportional to the rate at which your carpets will wear out.

When should I get my carpets professionally cleaned, and how often should I do it?

When it comes to carpets in ordinary residential settings. We advise having them steam cleaned by a professional every six months. This enables sufficient time for your carpets to accumulate the dust and bacteria that they are going to collect. After which they can be cleaned. Without the allergens causing too much of a problem for family members who are allergic to them.

What steps are involved in cleaning carpets using steam?

When we steam clean your carpets at Phoenix Carpet Cleaning By Joe. We utilize a cutting-edge process that is known as “hot water extraction.” During the process known as “hot water extraction,” the devices we use will first… Spray extremely hot water over your carpet before sucking the water back up again. Since we don’t make use of harsh chemicals in the process. Having your carpets completely cleaned in this manner is safe for both your pets and your children. The use of hot water extraction is quite helpful when attempting to give your carpets a deep clean… That is thorough throughout all of the carpet’s fibers. After the clean is over, you’ll be astonished at how quickly your carpets will dry. If you just let the air circulate around the room.

If you would like more information about having the steam cleaning cleaned on your carpets. Please do not hesitate to call one of our cleaning professionals at the number shown above. Myths about carpet cleaning, steam cleaning, and steam cleaning carpets.